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This residential retreat will take place at Bethlehem Centre, Nanaimo BC.  Come explore spirituality with exceptional presenters, dynamic and diverse teachings, embodied spiritual practices, and a spirituality that goes beyond borders to deepen your capacity for inner wisdom.  Wherever you find yourself in your life journey, discover a place of simplicity and compassion. 

How do we find the courage to stand on the "edge of the inside" of the circle?  How do those experiences help us to stay grounded in compassion? On the journey to discover inner and outer freedom, we find the true centre isn't really in the middle of it all- it lies at the edges.  Franciscan writer Richard Rohr describes being at the edge of the inside as "a way of being in the world that is utterly free and grounded in the compassion of God". 

More information and registration through Bethlehem Centre  HERE