Welcome to Holy Trinity Cathedral, we hope you will find in these pages some helpful information about who we are as a community. We are a progressive, inclusive community of faith. Whether you have been into an Anglican Church before or not, you may find the services to be a different style of church to what you have previously experienced. We could best be described as an Anglo-Catholic parish. This simply means that we appreciate and celebrate the ancient practices of our tradition whilst seeking to live into our 21st century context. We believe these practices have the capacity to help bring peace, comfort, and inspiration to all of us on this journey of life.
When you walk through the doors of this historic cathedral you will find a traditional looking church, complete with stained glass windows, pews, and an altar. You will hear the choir and sacred music as it leads you into an experience of the divine. You will feel encouraged and fed spiritually by the bread and the wine (Holy Communion), and through the scripture readings and sermon (the Word). Some of our customs may seem foreign to you, but know that you’re not alone. We are here to help you find your feet throughout the service and to welcome you wherever you may be on your journey. We invite you to simply relax into the liturgy and allow the words, music, and the symbols to carry you.
As a global church, millions of people stream through the doors of Anglican Churches every week searching for a place to make their spiritual quest; to bring their questions, their hopes, and deepest longings for life. And through our ancient practices and our emphasis on scripture, human reason, and tradition, people discover in our church a God of depth and promise. A God who is real, a God who accepts them as they are, and most significantly, a God who is love.
We are an inclusive and welcoming community of faith, steeped in the ancient yet vibrant spiritual practices of our Anglican tradition. Individuals and families join Holy Trinity Cathedral for all sorts of different reasons, some choose to come and journey with us for a season, others stay with us for many years. People come to us from many different backgrounds, beliefs, and theological understandings, from different lands and a variety of professions. But each week we gather together as one to be encouraged and spiritually nurtured on our journey of life and faith.
What unites us in this community is that universal deep yearning of the human soul for that “something more”. Mystics, poets, theologians, and philosophers have for many centuries all sought to articulate this yearning, this search for meaning in many different ways. In the Christian tradition we choose to language this spiritual quest around the person and life of Jesus of Nazareth. In Him we believe we have seen God.
The church exists to help people connect with that “something more” today. For all that technology has done for us, many people in the 21st century feel more socially isolated than ever, cut off from meaningful human contact. At Holy Trinity Cathedral, we are constantly exploring new and creative ways to help bring people together in community; to nurture meaningful connection between God and one another, and to tend to ones own soul. We see this as our response to Jesus’ call to help all people live out the great commandment to love God, each other, and ourselves more completely.
We are a sacramental community, which means we see and celebrate God present in the ordinary, everyday elements of life. Through the bread and the wine in the Eucharist (Holy Communion), we encounter the living God. Through praying for those in need and visiting the sick, we encounter the living God. Through feeding the hungry in our breakfast program, we encounter the living God. And through facilitating educational events, social dinners, or stillness for meditation in the chapel, we encounter the living God.
Wherever you may be on the journey of life and faith, know that you are welcome here. Come as you are, for it’s the real you that God so loves and who we would love to meet. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! We look forward to seeing you soon!