I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


With these simple words, a person becomes a Christian. In love, your life will change forever. This page is to help you in your consideration of baptism in the Christian faith.

Thinking About Baptism?

There are many reasons why people think about having a child baptised, or about being baptised themselves. Do not be pressured into a decision because of family tradition or fear. God loves each person from the beginning. It is up to you how to respond.

Baptism is our recognition of the love of God active in our lives from the moment of birth. In baptism, we choose the One who has already chosen us in the sight of the Christian community. It is a crucial turning point in our lives: we turn to Christ to forgive us, heal us, and strengthen us for a new life of service. We use the language of dying and rising again, of being washed clean, of becoming part of a new humanity. It is the biggest decision that you can make for yourself or your child and should not be entered lightly. At the same time, baptism is a starting point, and we have the rest of our lives to work out God’s purpose.

New Life in Community

Although we come to God one by one, we live out our new life with the support and encouragement of others. Holy Trinity Cathedral strives to be a welcoming and caring community in which you can grow and learn as a new Christian. Children are welcome on Sunday mornings and there are small groups during the week where you can feel at home. Your ongoing participation in a Christian community is how you live out your new life in Christ.

Baptismal Preparation

In order to prepare an individual for promises of baptism, instruction is offered by the clergy and others in the church. This may be done individually or in a group, depending on the number of candidates. It will be tailored to your needs and your family’s availability. Normally, this preparation will be three or four sessions  in the months leading up to the baptism date.

The Role of Sponsors or Godparents

Both children and adults to be baptised are required to have one or more sponsors who will stand by them in their commitment to Christ. For children, it is traditional to have godparents who share the responsibility of bringing the young person up in the faith with the parent(s). Any baptised person may stand as a godparent, but someone whom the child knows and sees on a regular basis is a good choice. The clergy can instruct godparents on their responsibilities. An adult makes the promises of baptism for himself or herself, but still chooses a mature Christian as a sponsor and mentor in the faith.

The Church Year

Baptisms are normally conducted on the high holy days of the church year. The foremost of these is Easter- the Sunday of the Resurrection. At Holy Trinity Cathedral, baptisms and reaffirmations take place at the Easter liturgy. Other dates which may be appropriate for baptism are:

  • The Baptism of the Lord in early January
  • Pentecost, usually mid-May
  • Trinity Sunday- usually mid to late May
  • Holy Cross Day -Sunday nearest September 14
  • Thanksgiving, usually the 2nd Sunday in October
  • All Saints Day in early November

Baptisms are never held during the season of Lent. The priest will try to consider family and sponsors who travel when choosing a date with you, but depending on the church year, may not be able to accommodate some Sundays. Please do not make travel arrangements for visiting family or friends before confirming a date with the church.

The Baptismal Service

Baptism takes place at the main Sunday service of worship. It is a public event, to which all family and friends are welcome to attend, whatever their faith tradition. The core community of Holy Trinity Cathedral will be present to welcome you. The service follows the normal pattern of worship. We begin with prayer and scripture, followed by a sermon. Everyone then moves to the font for the baptismal rite, which is followed by the celebration of the Eucharist. For the newly baptised, this is often their first communion.  Parents of very young children should discuss whether the child will receive bread and wine immediately following baptism or wait until the child is old enough to accept this physical and spiritual food. The Anglican Church welcomes all baptised persons, regardless of age, at the table to receive bread and wine.  You may have family or friends who prefer to come forward to receive a blessing instead as they feel comfortable.


Sunday worship is normally followed by a fellowship time in the hall with the whole congregation. Families of the newly baptised are welcome to bring a cake or food to add to the festivities, but this is entirely up to you. You will be feeding a community, not just friends and family!

Joining a Pilgrim People

In our mobile society, we understand that it is not always easy to stay connected to a faith community. Holy Trinity Cathedral will try to help you when you are unable to attend regular worship on a Sunday morning. We do offer livestreams and recordings of most services through our website. Help the church by supplying any changes in contact information or letting us know if you are sick or in hospital. 

If you or your family is moving out of the area, let us assist you in making the link to a Christian community near your new place of residence.  You can keep in touch as friends through our website or mailing list.

Further Steps

If you were baptized as a young child, or if you are coming to a point in your life when you feel it is important to make a public declaration of your faith, you might want to consider the rite of Confirmation.  Once a year, usually in the Easter season, the Diocesan Bishop celebrates a special service of Confirmation for candidates from local churches at the diocesan Cathedral. The Bishop is sometimes also available to do confirmations upon a visit to the parish. Confirmation comes after a time of preparation in the parish, when you are instructed in your baptismal promises and encouraged to explore and ask questions about your faith in Jesus Christ.


There is no fee for baptism. It is one of the pastoral offices of the Church, and we do not charge for a sacrament. Of course, if you or family or friends would like to make a freewill offering to Holy Trinity Cathedral in thanksgiving, you are welcome to do so. Your donation to the work of the Church is tax deductible. You will receive a tax receipt for your offerings at the end of each year.

As active participants in the new life of Jesus Christ, all baptised Christians are expected to be good stewards of what God has blessed them, and to contribute a proportion of their treasure, time, and talents.  Your heart will lead you to give according to your circumstances. You can arrange for authorized withdrawals from an account or give through assigned offering envelopes. Your financial gifts are considered charitable donations through the Parish of Holy Trinity Cathedral (please make cheques out to this name).