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Please find PDFs of the Vestry Report, and Financial Statements attached below.

This is notice that the Annual Vestry Meeting of the Parish of Holy Trinity Cathedral will take place on Sunday February 16, 2025, beginning with worship in the cathedral at 10 am.  All who worship and attend events at HTC are warmly encouraged to be present as the community:

* elects a Parish Council for 2025-26

* sets priorities for the coming year

* receives reports and financial statements and approves a budget

* appoints roles for ministry and leadership

* brings new action for redevelopment

The following Parish Council positions are accepting nominations:

1 Associate Warden

3 Delegates to Diocesan Synod (to be held May 30-31, 2025)

3 Alternate Delegates to Synod

1 Youth Delegate to Synod (age 15-24)

2 Members-at-Large

Role descriptions for these positions are available from the Parish Office.

If you are unsure about whether you are on the parish roll, please contact the Parish Office at 604-521-2511 or by email at