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The purpose of a church is to gather in those called by God into a community of transformation, from which we are sent tolive our Christian lives wherever we find ourselves. Transformation happens though participating in life in the parish generally, and specifically through worship, study and learning, community life, and service to the wider community. 

Our Narrative Budget helps tell the story of how our financial resources were used in support of our ministry in the following areas:



Gathering means being intentional about inviting, greeting, and orienting new members, and incorporating them into the life of the community. This year we invested time and money in

  • a new website that is a more effective first encounter for people looking for a church
  • banners over the front door to increase our visibility and invitation to commuters
  • printed orders of service that allow everyone to participate more easily is worship
  • clergy time to follow up one-on-one with newcomers
  • a welcoming presence in the office

The volunteer greeting team is essential, making sure that everyone is warmly welcomed and given what they need for worship.



Worship is at the heart of who we are and what we do. So we spend money and time on

  • music, which is a core element of worship
  • clergy time, including sermon preparation and leading three services weekly
  • flowers, candles, wafers and wine
  • our beautiful heritage church

Our worship is enhanced by approximately 24 volunteers every Sunday at 10:00 am, including greeters, altar guild, servers, readers, intercessors, chalice administrators, plus 11 choir members! Volunteers also host the Women’s Prayer group.



We deepen our faith in many ways, including intentional study. This year that included time and money for  

  • Trinity Tuesdays
  • Clergy time in Children’s Church
  • Mentoring the curate and diaconal intern
  • Keeping the hall going, including utilities, maintenance, and janitorial.



This includes coffee hour, monthly lunches, pastoral care, and more. We spend money on

  • Clergy time for pastoral visits in homes and hospital, as well as for casual conversations and check-ins
  • Clergy time for administration, including parish council and building redevelopment
  • Curate’s time for youth activities
  • Keeping the hall going as a meeting place for our community

Community life is mostly tended by parishioners looking after each other and initiating activities such as the monthly lunches and Fun Nights.



At HTC, we are proud of our presence in the wider community.

  • The big expense is maintaining the hall so we can host the Breakfast Club and offer free or low-cost space to community groups.
  • We invest in having a welcoming presence in the office four mornings a week, to manage inquiries and user groups (among her many other duties).
  • We lead worship at three care facilities.

Our most impressive service to the wider community—the weekly Breakfast Club—is entirely volunteer run. Care home services are supported by volunteers and the Queens Park service is entirely volunteer-led.



We contribute a significant amount in our diocesan assessment. This helps support the Synod office (Archbishop and staff), the church in the North, and the National Church (Primate and staff).  

  • We participate in the New Westminster Ministerial by collaborating in programs serving congregations and the neighbourhoods of New Westminster.
  • Our Vicar is a Regional Archdeacon who serves as the Archbishop’s agent and delegate for the Anglican congregations in Burnaby, New Westminster and the Tri-Cities.
  • All three of our clergy participate in diocesan working groups, committees and diocesan clergy initiatives.


Download a copy of the narrative budget below.