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For those who are envelope subscribers, 2021 offering envelopes are now available for pickup from the table in the hall outside the church office or by arrangement with Susan Stensgaard 604-451-1161,

Susan can also help you to switch over to pre-authorized donations, which is better for the church as it keeps givings more regular through the year. It's also easy for the donor, and you can change or stop your donations at any time. 

You can also pick up an Epiphany House Blessing kit. This short liturgy is a way of marking our homes, usually at the front or main entrance, with sacred signs and symbols as we ask God’s blessing upon those who live, work, or visit throughout the coming year. A great home liturgy for adults and children alike that you can do any time between January 6 and February 2. Contact Tasha if you have any questions. 

Call first to make sure someone will be at the church to greet you: 604.521.2511